Monday, January 27, 2020

Gender Differences in Communication

Gender Differences in Communication   The Difference of Language Used Between Men and Woman Many have wondered why men and women are so different. Everyone knows that both genders have a different way of talking to each other but no one knows exactly why. Why do males speak differently around females than they do with themselves? Is it through gender stereotypes that cause different language features they use in their speech? Or is there an an outside influence that is causing this phenomenon? The different speaking styles males and females use to converse, shows that their conversations are limited because of the influences of society. Throughout time, males were seen to have a different style of communication with females compared to their usual conversations with their fellow sex. This could also be said for females in vice versa. In male to male conversations, men are more seen to tease and joke around with their friends through profanity, sarcasm, or humor. In addition, they tend to avoid serious and emotional topics while females have these type of topics as their every day conversations. In female to female conversations, women are more careful about the choice of words they use and reflect upon the topics of their conversations. But why do men tend do avoid emotional/serious topics and why do females have to think before they speak? Can men also talk to women as if they were talking to their fellow sex? A sample of fifty California State University of Fullerton students were observed and ask about their opinions of this matter. Forty out of fifty males have responded that revealing their feelings, private li ves, or relationships would show their weaknesses and that it would lower their status as a confident, strong male. Forty-six out of the fifty females have also stated women are more cautious about their choice of words because females tend to be more sensitive and judgmental. And when the males were asked if they can talk to females the same way they talk to their friends, most of them said they cant. They have stated that their words or jokes could be too harsh and possibly hurt a girls feeling as females tend to be more sensitive or emotional. After the experiment, it was concluded that gender stereotypes was a possible major influence in the reason why men and women both speak differently. Although it is concluded that gender stereotypes is an influence on how men and women speak, how early is one introduced and influenced to gender stereotypes? Parents are the role models for their children. Their point of view and beliefs can also influence their childrens beliefs and views. For example, a Dad will tell his son not to cry because men dont cry over trivial things or a Dad will tell his daughter that she is his princess and treats her very gently. A mom can also tell her son to never hit a girl or to never say any mean things to a girl. Therefore, the male would never speak harshly towards or girl or show weakness. Another example would be a Mom telling her daughter her words have consequences and to always be kind to others. Therefore, the female would speak in a polite matter and is cautious with her words. It is shown that the parents can unintentionally integrate the concepts of gender stereotypes in their mind to help their child fit into the social norms of what is right and what is wrong. However, how early can a child learn to differentiate their language between both genders? A study of a one day observation on fifteen preschoolers have been performed. In result, all fifteen pre-schoolers have equally treated their classmates the same. The boys would talk just as roughly to the girls as they would to the boys and the girls would also join in yelling some insults when provoked. However, in recess a boy and girl got injured while running around the slide. The teacher hold the crying girl and comforted her while the teacher aide who took care of the boy, discouraged him from crying. One can see that the children in this early age of development are still oblivious to differentiation of language in genders. Though as they grow up, their personal experience with the people they interact and the people who influence them would slowly change how they speak towards others. Men and women have different perspectives on the world of communication. Women use the language as an act of sharing and an opportunity to increase intimacy with others, as well as to   express themselves and seek advice from others. While men often more focused on small talk that often revolves around topics related to business, sports, weather, and news where they have a clear purpose of the conversation in mind. (World of Psychology, 3) There are many different types of perspective seen by both genders. But can gender change their fixed mindset to a growing mindset? What would happen if males and females were to change their perspective of language and be more tolerant towards each other? For example, would it be possible for girls to be more tolerant of what others says or for males to be more expressive in their conversations? A population of ten Fullerton College students were asked. Eight out of ten said that it would not be possible because gender stereotypes have been ingrained into our culture. Therefore, the majority of the people will always have a fix mindset about the language we use towards different genders. In spite of that, two of the ten have stated that it could be possible but it would   gradually take over a long period of time. It is evident that men and womens style of language and communication differs in many ways. The analysis of the studies performed for this research shows that the differentiation of the language between genders is due to gender stereotypes. As well as it could be also due to the fact how the person was raised and what types of people he or she was surrounded with. Although both genders speak the same language, the choice of words have been limited because of the pressures of the societys norms. However, there is hope that someday the people will adapt into a growth mindset and erase the language barrier between males and females. Works Cited 6 Ways Men Women Communicate Differently. World of Psychology. N.p., 16 July 2014.  Web. 13 Feb. 2017.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Grant, Hero of A Lesson Before Dying Essay

How we act or react in difficult situations defines our persona. Sometimes these situations provide opportunities to be a hero. After reading Grant Wiggins’s own definition of a hero, it is apparent that Grant becomes a hero. Grant states, â€Å"A hero is someone who does something for other people. He does something that other men don’t and cant to. He is different from other men. He is above other men. No matter who those other men are, the hero, no matter who he is, is above them.† Grant becomes a hero by earning an education to become a teacher, undergoing psychological changes, and counseling Jefferson to die with dignity. A hero is different from others and does something others cannot. Grant’s drive to defy stereo type, become a teacher, and contribute to the community demonstrates that he is a hero. Grant is an African American son of cane-cutters who worked on a Louisiana plantation. He grew up working a labor job and was expected by society to continue as a laborer. Through determination he was able to escape his surroundings to earn a college education. He returns as an educated university man hoping to make a positive impact on society, but is still looked down upon. College gave him a new perspective and educated way of speaking and thinking, but he was still not equal to the whites. Grant continued to persevere through segregation and unfair treatment. He maintained his goal of making a difference by teaching in a church without desks or other supplies. Grants ability to escape his environment and stereotyping, earn an education, and return to his community to make changes, makes him different from others in his community. Grant was different from others and taught in conditions that most could not. Grant is a hero. Grant proved himself a hero, not only by overcoming struggles with racism, but with overcoming struggles within his own mind. A hero is above all other men. Many times a change must take place for man to become a hero above all other men. Throughout the novel, Grant undergoes psychological changes that allow him to become a hero. Grant’s life is filled with rage for the way he is treated by whites. Eventually this rage becomes self-loathing and cynicism, because he feels he is taking the unjust treatment from whites lying down. This downward spiral causes him to alienate himself from people he loves and feel that the community is helpless. During a conversation with Vivian, Grant says, he cannot face Jefferson because he cannot face himself and his own life. Vivian helps Grant realize that he has left the South in the past, has returned, and still has not left. This helps him realize that he is there for a reason. Another change happens when he accepts the task of helping Jefferson. At first Grant is angry and believes that Miss Emma wants him to perform a difficult and maybe impossible task of convincing Jefferson to die with defiance and character. After accepting this task and dealings with Jefferson, Grant realizes what a hero is and he can have an impact on the community. Finally when Grant breaks down in front of his students he realizes that he is ready to connect with the children that he has been so strict with. Many heroes have to overcome an inner struggle to realize their potential for greatness. Eventually through his interactions with his family, Vivian, Jefferson, and students he realizes to view everyone positively which gives him the strength and courage to make an impact in his community. Grant’s actions with Jefferson embody the heroic effort of doing something for someone else. Jefferson is thought of as an animal, and even compared to a â€Å"hog†. Grant wants Jefferson to believe that he is more than convict and just a black man. Grant wants Jefferson to believe that he can change society. Grant visits Jefferson regularly, councils him, gives him a radio, and hope. Before Jefferson’s death, Grant confides in him and says, â€Å"My faith is in you, Jefferson.† Through his efforts and faith, Jefferson completes his transformation into a dignified human being. Grant’s perspectives change throughout the novel as a result of his interactions with his family, Vivian, Jefferson, and his students. When given the opportunity to be a hero, he accepts and becomes a hero. His escaping his environment and stereotyping to become a teacher, overcoming psychological struggles, and helping Jefferson die with dignity proves that he is a hero in the novel.

Friday, January 10, 2020

 Business Law Case

Brown is a farmer who, amongst other activities, has been in the business of raising chickens on large scale. The baby chicks require a continuous supply of a oxygen to survive and the necessary equipment for that purpose is connected to the electric power supplies to the farm. In thee past brown had suffered a minor loss of chickens from an interruption in this electric service and had, as a result, installed an auxiliary battery operated power generator in the barn to be available as an emergency back-up. He had taken further precaution of having a battery-operated power failure detector in his bedroom so that if the electrical power in the farmhouse failed, a warning signal would alert him to the potential danger of loss of electricity to his operation.ElectriChauncey is a driver for Gardiner transport ltd. While driving the company’s truck on a night run, Chauncey allowed the vehicle to wander onto the shoulder of the road where the upper part struck overhead wires. As a r esult, electric power service in the areas was interrupted for a periods of five hours. The interruption extinguished the supply of oxygen to browns’ barn and some 30,000 chickens died. Unfortunately, brown had temporarily disconnected the alarm detector in his bedroom and so on the one occasion when he needed it, it was not in operation. Brown bought an action for damages against both Chauncey and Gardiner transport ltd, to compensate him fir the loss of his chickens.Discuss the merits of the plaintiff’s (plaintiff) case? What will be the de fences?

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Section 1 Typically, we need a well-balanced meal to give...

Section 1: Typically, we need a well-balanced meal to give us the energy to do day-to-day tasks and sometimes we aren’t able to get home cooked meals that are healthy and nutritious on a daily basis, due to the reasons of perhaps low income or your mom not being able to have the time to cook. People rely on fast food, because it’s quicker and always very convenient for full-time workers or anyone in general who just want a quick meal. Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation argues that Americans should change their nutritional behaviors. In his book, Schlosser inspects the social and economic penalties of the processes of one specific section of the American food system: the fast food industry. Schlosser details the stages of the fast†¦show more content†¦He recounts the agony of dozens of people who have died of infected meat, describes the sufferings of the illegal slaughterhouse workers, and details the sad fate of the independent business owners. In thi s effort, he counts the successes of the people against the corporations. Schlosser aims his book at the average consumer; he urges them to simply stop buying it. He is able to persuade the reader to join him in his accusation of the fast food industry with the revolting details he presents. Although never directly stated, the book is filled with the idea that you, too, will eventually pay the real price of fast food. Even though the truth comes out about fast food, people often disregard the consequences of it, they still eat fast food due to the cheap price and the tastiness of it, which is simply just flavoring less than 2 percent of beef. Section 2: Eric Schlosser argues that the slaughterhouses and meatpacking industries are unsafe, unhygienic and employees are treated falsely. The industry has made and will not make any effort to change its environment and habits. The companies are afraid to make changes to the industry because slowing the pace to protect workers can lead to a competitive disadvantage. Meatpacking is now the most dangerous job in the United States and the industry consists mostly of illegal immigrants and unskilled workers such as teenagers. The conditions are unsafe and unsanitary and they are rarely paid attention to.Show MoreRelatedA Short Note On The, Inc.1838 Words   |  8 Pageshad an impact in the markets. First, the telecommunication market has dropped 7% in 2002 following WorldCom scandal. It was easy to see that WorldCom scandal on the global market. Second, the scandal caused HGK’s debt security. HGK, standing for Harris, Greenhouse, Kutzel HGK Asset Management company in New Je rsey, invested in $130 million in WorldCom and lost them all, which hurt their growth a lot. Third, WorldCom scandal depreciated the value of dollars. Foreign investors’s confidence in the USRead MoreAudit and Wall Street13173 Words   |  53 Pagesfund in the U.S. It invested the assets of the New York state and local employees‟ retirement system and of the New York State and Local Police and Fire retirement system. The pension fund lost over $300 million of its investments in WorldCom. The HGK Asset Management, a registered investment advisor, also purchased about $130 million of the debt securities offered by WorldCom on behalf of union sponsored pension and benefit plan and lost it all (in re WorldCom, inc., 2003). Institutional investors